Before asking “Why drink natural wine?”, we need to ask, “What is thedefinition of “natural wine”?
There is much debate in the press, on the internet, and among producers and wine experts about “organic”, “biodynamic”, “natural” wines. To date, these discussions have generally not helped consumers understand better what natural wine is.
Without entering into those larger debates, we offer a definition of organic wine based on these basic criteria:
- The grapes used in making organic wine must come from vineyards that do not use synthetic chemicals such as weed-killers and pesticides.
- The winemaking processes should minimise the use of additives like sulfites.
- Wine is an expression of the people and place that produce it and should reflect the character of its territory.
- Wine should be a natural accompaniment to food.
Why should we prefer natural wines that meet these above criteria?
1. Because natural wine is healthy. The health benefits of wine (used in moderation, of course!) are not just a temporary fad. Our knowledge of how wine can improve human health is increasing.2. Because natural wine tastes good. We have gone beyond the idea that in order to be genuine or natural there has to be some kind of imperfection. Today, there are many high quality natural wines to choose from just as there are many traditional wines that are low quality.
3. Because it does not cost too much. It is a fact that you cannot buy any good wine for 1 €. There are many very good natural wines that cost under 10 €. In any case, the increased price of a wine almost always means a more careful and attentive winemaker, who works directly with their soil and grapes, and puts quality above quantity.
4. Because natural wine communicates the beauty of biodiversity. One bottle of natural wine is always different from the next, which counterbalances the prevailing trend toward the homogenisation of taste.
5. Because natural wine inspires knowledge about the story behind the bottle you drink, about who made it, about the place it comes from, and about its ability to capture the character of its territory.
Of course, one could look more deeply or critically at all these criteria. They are not absolute and do not preclude the value and enjoyment of drinking traditional or non-organic wines.
But, given the choice…
by Alberto Rossi – translation: Catherine Marquette